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Legal Actions: Overview

If you are completely in the dark about this lawsuit, a good place to start is with the "Frequently Asked Questions"
The lawsuit was settled on December 20, 2022 when the Plaintiffs agreed the lawsuit to be dismissed with prejudice. Details can be seen at the Settlement page.

The lawsuit began on Sept 29, 2020 with the submission of a Verified Complaint from Keola Kaai Bandmann, Valerie Ann Bandmann, Ross David Stadnyk, and Marianne G. Farrell. The resulting legal actions are a complicated sequence of motions followed by responses interrupted by new motions and responses before earlier motions are fully resolved. The legal system does not follow a linear path. To bring some coherence to these saltatory dynamics, the following figure classifies and colors the actions according to topic.

The legal actions fall into seven categories or threads: (1) (BLUE) The Initial Complaint and a request for a judgement on a central issue in the lawsuit (Count 1), (2) [GREEN] an amended version of the Complaint to ensure the Plaintiffs have the legal right to sue the Board of Directors, (3) [ORANGE] a 2nd amended version naming Philip A. Denney as the sole Plaintiff, (4) [YELLOW] an attempt to supoena the privileged emails between the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 BoDs and one of its attorneys, (5) [CREAM] an attempt by the Plaintiff to disqualify the Defense attorneys, (6) [MAGENTA] of great importance to the whole of the LCA membership, the removal of Denney as a plaintiff and the naming of the entire LCA membership as the Plaintiff (aka "Realigning the Parties"), and last but not least (7) [RED] the pre-trial Settlement that ended the lawsuit. The "GLOSSes" in bold font are judicial Orders signifying the termination of the initial motion that began the thread. Notice the number of Orders that were abjudicated in favor of the defendants.

After viewing the following figure illustrating the disjointed progress of the lawsuit and the seven categories of actions, click on the link buttons below for a brief descriptiion of each of the categories with links to view the actual legal documents.

leilani lca lawsuit legal actions

To view the above legal actions sorted by thread (color) CLICK HERE

Click a button that corresponds to the thread you wish to visit.

Original Complaint and Summary Judgement First Amended Complaint Second Amended Complaint

LCA Members to be Plaintiff (Realignment) Subpoena Ashida's Emails Disqualify Defense Attorneys
