Information on the Leilani LCA Lawsuit


"Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this son of York.
And all the clouds that low'r'd upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried"

Richard the Third -- Act I, scene 1, 1-4


Leilani Estates Information Portal

This website provides basic information about the 2020 Lawsuit that was initiated by four Leilani Estates residents against the 2020 Leilani Community Association (LCA) Board of Directors (BoD). Included here are links to the series of motions and counter-motions filed by the plaintiffs and defendants, commentary on some of the actions taken, the effect of the lawsuit on LCA finances, and its affect on LCA elections of Board directors.

Although the lawsuit has now been settled, this website will remain active for historical completeness, as a source of information for other home owner associations that may be involved in litigation, and to report on other repercussions the lawsuit has had on LCA operations (e.g., elections).

UPDATE: (2022-12-20) — The Settlement!

UPDATE: (2023-01-12) — 2023 Election Canceled! Changes to Election Process.

UPDATE: (2023-03-16) — Plots of LCA Financial Reports 2020-2023.

Lawsuit Documents

leilani lca lawsuit paper

On December 20, 2022, Judge Nakamoto ruled that the current plaintiffs (Leilani Community Association) agreed with the defendants that all claims contained in the lawsuit should be dismissed with prejudice (i.e., the claims can not be re-litigated).

In this section, we provide the PDF files for the motions, responses, and the judicial rulings accompanied by a short synopsis in plain English. Access these documents at our lawsuit motions and rulings page.

Election Changes

leilani lca lawsuit vote

The Plaintiff's 2021 change of lawsuit responsibility and burden to the Leilani Community Association not only placed liability for attorney fees and court costs on the LCA members, it also affected dramatically the elections of 2022 and 2023. This section describes how the members were prevented from electing the Board of Directors for these two years as well as how the election process, contrary to LCA By-laws, now allows the existing BoD to prohibit members from voting or being candidates for office. Click here to visit the Leilani Changes page.

LCA Finances

leilani lca lawsuit debt

As the LCA membership was the plaintiff of the lawsuit, attorney fees and court costs will eventually be paid from the LCA treasury. In this section, we track the decline in the treasury and the increase of the debt. See the state of LCA's finances here.

BoD Meetings

leilani lca lawsuit stop

Some have noticed that the agendas and minutes of recent Board of Directors' meetings are insufficiently detailed, not formatted for convenient reading, nor provided in a format that allows downloading and printing. This section remedies these shortcomings by providing audio files and transcripts of the original meetings, and reformatted agendas and minutes. Read and print what was said at the meetings here.